The Rabbit Bros.
The Rabbit Brothers are a sketch comedy duo committed to their life's mission of bringing sketch comedy to sketchy people.
The duo consists of Jacques Belliveau and Jax Benson. Both are founding members of the sketch troupe The Sloan and Comics at Fault comedy collective. They have performed both sketch and standup shows throughout the state and with The Sloan, appeared at the Greensboro Fringe Festival. In addition to his sketch comedy work, Jax Benson is a playwright, having written the plays Handsome Devil and Scarletdale. His dark comedy The Sparrow premiered at The Greensboro Fringe Festival in a staging by Red Queen Productions. Jack Belliveau has become an in-demand producer, scheduling and staging standup shows around the state. He is also a screenwriter with his first screenplay, the millennial depression comedy “Reggie” |